Plan ahead: Allow extra travel time to Melbourne Airport

PSA: If you’re heading to the airport over January to early March 2025, we encourage you to allow an extra 30 minutes for your journey due to potential delays caused by construction works in the Terminal 123 forecourt. If you're picking up or dropping off loved ones, consider using Exit 19A and the Terminal 4 Car Park to avoid congestion in the Terminal 123 forecourt. We apologise for the inconvenience.

墨尔本机场的内部和外部广告 – T2、T3、T4

哦!媒体管理墨尔本机场的高影响力内部和外部广告。哦!Media 在机场的关键区域提供广泛的广告格式,例如办理登机手续、到达和离开大厅、商务休息室附近、行李提取和其他公共用户区域。此外,还可以安排其他独特的一次性和促销区域。


如果您对墨尔本机场 T2、T3 或 T4 航站楼内的广告机会感兴趣,请联系 Fly at [email protected] 商务总监 Elise Taylor。