The car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy

This long weekend the car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy. If you already have a car park booking, please arrive early to allow extra time to find a spot and have your QR code ready to use at the gate. If you don't have a booking, please consider alternative forms of transport. Thank you for your patience.

Aerobridge 执照 (ABDA)


要获得 Aerobridge Driver Authority (ABDA) 作为培训师,应将意向书发送至 [email protected]


  • 墨尔本机场进行的理论培训(在线学习)。
  • 由 Melbourne Airport 或您的组织提供的实践培训。

注意:要更新现有的 ABDA,申请人只需完成理论培训(在线学习)。


可以考虑扩展请求以访问在线学习续订模块。请 通过 Airdat 支持联系我们 了解更多详情。