El aeropuerto de Melbourne ha estado conectando Victoria con el mundo durante 50 años, dando la bienvenida a más de tres cuartos de mil millones de viajeros a lo largo de las décadas.
Juntos podemos reflexionar sobre lo lejos que hemos llegado, para ser el aeropuerto 24/7 más ocupado de Australia y para ser un aeropuerto del que Melbourne pueda estar orgulloso.
Un aeropuerto para que todos los melburnianos aprecien
Reflexiona sobre imágenes del pasado, con algunos de los momentos que han marcado la historia del aeropuerto de Melbourne y la industria aeronáutica australiana.
El salto inicial que Melbourne necesitaba
La apertura del aeropuerto internacional el 1 de julio de 1970 permitió que el mundo viniera a Melbourne, y las esperanzas y sueños de los melburnianos tomaran vuelo.
Cinco décadas de momentos clave
El aeropuerto de Melbourne se ha convertido en la principal puerta de entrada de Victoria para los viajes aéreos, el turismo y el transporte de mercancías. Mire cuánto se ha logrado en 50 años de conectar a Victoria con el mundo.
Mayo de 1959 | Sir Robert Menzies Primer Ministro de Australia (1939 - 1941, 1949 - 1966) anuncia que se construirá un nuevo aeropuerto en Tullamarine |
27 de noviembre de 1962 | El gobierno aprueba un plan quinquenal para un nuevo aeropuerto internacional ("jetport") a un costo de $ 45 millones |
11 de noviembre de 1964 | Primer césped convertido por el entonces senador John Gorton comenzando la construcción en Melbourne |
Agosto de 1965 | Primer césped convertido por el entonces senador John Gorton comenzando la construcción en el aeropuerto de Melbourne, Tullamarine |
1 de julio de 1970 | J.G. Gorton Primer Ministro de Australia (1969 -1971) inaugura oficialmente el Aeropuerto de Melbourne en Tullamarine para operaciones internacionales
15 de agosto de 1970 | Se inaugura el Centro Espacial y Científico Astrojet |
20 de junio de 1971 | Comienzan las operaciones nacionales en el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
20 de junio de 1972 | El prototipo del Concorde llega a Melbourne desde Londres en su primer vuelo internacional de pruebas |
1973 | Finalizan las obras de ampliación para permitir que los Boeing 747 den servicio al aeropuerto |
c1975 | En una primicia mundial, Trans Australia Airlines pinta un mural en un avión y también monta una cámara de cine en la cola del Boeing 727-76 VH-TJB para la promoción de la marca. |
4 al 12 de agosto de 1975 | El Concorde realiza una serie de vuelos de prueba ambiental entre Melbourne y Singapur |
Diciembre de 1975 | Servicio inaugural de Pan Am de Nueva York a Melbourne |
Marzo de 1976 | AC/DC llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne para su concierto en el Sidney Myer Music Bowl |
5 de marzo de 1977 | ABBA llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne para la actuación de Moomba en el Sidney Myer Music Bowl |
Noviembre de 1977 | Servicio inaugural de Lufthansa de Frankfurt a Melbourne |
Mayo de 1959 | Sir Robert Menzies Primer Ministro de Australia (1939 - 1941, 1949 - 1966) anuncia que se construirá un nuevo aeropuerto en Tullamarine |
27 de noviembre de 1962 | El gobierno aprueba un plan quinquenal para un nuevo aeropuerto internacional ("jetport") a un costo de $ 45 millones |
11 de noviembre de 1964 | Primer césped convertido por el entonces senador John Gorton comenzando la construcción en Melbourne |
Agosto de 1965 | Primer césped convertido por el entonces senador John Gorton comenzando la construcción en el aeropuerto de Melbourne, Tullamarine |
1 de julio de 1970 | J.G. Gorton Primer Ministro de Australia (1969 -1971) inaugura oficialmente el Aeropuerto de Melbourne en Tullamarine para operaciones internacionales
15 de agosto de 1970 | Se inaugura el Centro Espacial y Científico Astrojet |
20 de junio de 1971 | Comienzan las operaciones nacionales en el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
20 de junio de 1972 | El prototipo del Concorde llega a Melbourne desde Londres en su primer vuelo internacional de pruebas |
1973 | Finalizan las obras de ampliación para permitir que los Boeing 747 den servicio al aeropuerto |
c1975 | En una primicia mundial, Trans Australia Airlines pinta un mural en un avión y también monta una cámara de cine en la cola del Boeing 727-76 VH-TJB para la promoción de la marca. |
4 al 12 de agosto de 1975 | El Concorde realiza una serie de vuelos de prueba ambiental entre Melbourne y Singapur |
Diciembre de 1975 | Servicio inaugural de Pan Am de Nueva York a Melbourne |
Marzo de 1976 | AC/DC llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne para su concierto en el Sidney Myer Music Bowl |
5 de marzo de 1977 | ABBA llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne para la actuación de Moomba en el Sidney Myer Music Bowl |
Noviembre de 1977 | Servicio inaugural de Lufthansa de Frankfurt a Melbourne |
22 de julio de 1981 | Primer servicio comercial de fuselaje ancho de una aerolínea nacional australiana, el Airbus A300 de Trans Australia Airlines de Melbourne a Sídney |
17 de abril de 1983 | El príncipe y la princesa de Gales concluyen su gira real de cuatro semanas y vuelan desde el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
27 de junio de 1983 | Primer servicio comercial de un Boeing 767 en Australia, por Ansett de Melbourne a Sydney |
1986 | Trans Australia Airlines cambia su nombre a Australian Airlines |
1986 | Primer servicio comercial de un Boeing 737 por Australian Airlines |
Enero de 1988 | Aeropuerto de Melbourne puesto bajo el control de la Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) |
2 de febrero de 1989 | Primer servicio comercial de un Airbus A320 en Australia, por Ansett Australia de Melbourne a Sydney |
18 de agosto de 1989 | Disputa de pilotos australianos coordinada por la Federación Australiana de Pilotos Aéreos (AFAP) que afecta a Ansett, East-West, Ipec y Trans Australia Airlines |
22 de julio de 1981 | Primer servicio comercial de fuselaje ancho de una aerolínea nacional australiana, el Airbus A300 de Trans Australia Airlines de Melbourne a Sídney |
17 de abril de 1983 | El príncipe y la princesa de Gales concluyen su gira real de cuatro semanas y vuelan desde el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
27 de junio de 1983 | Primer servicio comercial de un Boeing 767 en Australia, por Ansett de Melbourne a Sydney |
1986 | Trans Australia Airlines cambia su nombre a Australian Airlines |
1986 | Primer servicio comercial de un Boeing 737 por Australian Airlines |
Enero de 1988 | Aeropuerto de Melbourne puesto bajo el control de la Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) |
2 de febrero de 1989 | Primer servicio comercial de un Airbus A320 en Australia, por Ansett Australia de Melbourne a Sydney |
18 de agosto de 1989 | Disputa de pilotos australianos coordinada por la Federación Australiana de Pilotos Aéreos (AFAP) que afecta a Ansett, East-West, Ipec y Trans Australia Airlines |
1990 | Desregulación de la industria aérea australiana |
1990 | Compass Airlines (MkI), la primera aerolínea de bajo costo de Australia comienza a operar |
20 de septiembre de 1990 | Betty Wilson, pasajero internacional número 10 millones, aterriza en el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
Octubre de 1990 | Trans Australia Airlines adquiere Sunstate Airlines |
25 de octubre de 1990 | Nelson Mandela llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne en la última etapa de su histórica visita de tres días a Australia |
1991 | Finaliza la ampliación de la terminal doméstica de Ansett |
1991 | La actualización de la terminal internacional comienza con un costo de reurbanización de $ 177 millones |
20 de diciembre de 1991 | Compass MkI cesa sus operaciones |
1992 | Compass MkII inicia operaciones |
14 de septiembre de 1992 | Qantas adquiere Australian Airlines |
Diciembre de 1992 | Impulse Airlines comienza a operar inicialmente como una aerolínea regional, luego como un competidor de bajo costo en la costa este. |
1993 | Compass MkII cesa sus operaciones |
26 de noviembre de 1993 | Madonna aterriza en el aeropuerto de Melbourne como parte de su etapa australiana de 'The Girlie Show World Tour' |
Abril de 1994 | El gobierno australiano anuncia planes para privatizar todos los aeropuertos propiedad de la FAC |
9 de diciembre de 1995 | El prototipo de Boeing 777 visita el aeropuerto de Melbourne en una gira de demostración |
1996 | Servicio inaugural de Emirates desde Melbourne a Dubái vía Singapur, introduciendo el B777 a Australia |
1996 | El satélite internacional T2 se amplió a un costo de $ 65 millones |
2 de julio de 1997 | Aeropuerto de Melbourne arrendado a Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Limited (APAC) por $ 1.3B durante 50 años |
3 de julio de 1997 | Lanzamiento del sitio web del aeropuerto de Melbourne con información de vuelo en tiempo real |
Agosto de 1997 | Delantal de carguero del sur extendido |
Agosto de 1997 | Estacionamiento de varios pisos completado a un costo de $ 49M |
10 de marzo de 1998 | Inauguración oficial de la nueva terminal de carga, BOC Cargo Services |
Mayo de 1998 | El aeropuerto de Melbourne lanza una nueva identidad, incorporando una 'M' y una 'A', inspiradas en las agujas de la ciudad y el río Yarra |
29 de mayo de 1998 | APAC adquiere el contrato de arrendamiento del aeropuerto de Launceston por $ 18.8M durante 50 años |
Diciembre de 1998 | Remodelación del patio de comidas completado, incluyendo dos nuevos puntos de venta, Noodle Bar y Sbarro |
Enero de 1999 | Comienza el trabajo en el Hotel Hilton (ahora PARKROYAL) a un costo de $ 55 millones |
1990 | Desregulación de la industria aérea australiana |
1990 | Compass Airlines (MkI), la primera aerolínea de bajo costo de Australia comienza a operar |
20 de septiembre de 1990 | Betty Wilson, pasajero internacional número 10 millones, aterriza en el aeropuerto de Melbourne |
Octubre de 1990 | Trans Australia Airlines adquiere Sunstate Airlines |
25 de octubre de 1990 | Nelson Mandela llega al aeropuerto de Melbourne en la última etapa de su histórica visita de tres días a Australia |
1991 | Finaliza la ampliación de la terminal doméstica de Ansett |
1991 | La actualización de la terminal internacional comienza con un costo de reurbanización de $ 177 millones |
20 de diciembre de 1991 | Compass MkI cesa sus operaciones |
1992 | Compass MkII inicia operaciones |
14 de septiembre de 1992 | Qantas adquiere Australian Airlines |
Diciembre de 1992 | Impulse Airlines comienza a operar inicialmente como una aerolínea regional, luego como un competidor de bajo costo en la costa este. |
1993 | Compass MkII cesa sus operaciones |
26 de noviembre de 1993 | Madonna aterriza en el aeropuerto de Melbourne como parte de su etapa australiana de 'The Girlie Show World Tour' |
Abril de 1994 | El gobierno australiano anuncia planes para privatizar todos los aeropuertos propiedad de la FAC |
9 de diciembre de 1995 | El prototipo de Boeing 777 visita el aeropuerto de Melbourne en una gira de demostración |
1996 | Servicio inaugural de Emirates desde Melbourne a Dubái vía Singapur, introduciendo el B777 a Australia |
1996 | El satélite internacional T2 se amplió a un costo de $ 65 millones |
2 de julio de 1997 | Aeropuerto de Melbourne arrendado a Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Limited (APAC) por $ 1.3B durante 50 años |
3 de julio de 1997 | Lanzamiento del sitio web del aeropuerto de Melbourne con información de vuelo en tiempo real |
Agosto de 1997 | Delantal de carguero del sur extendido |
Agosto de 1997 | Estacionamiento de varios pisos completado a un costo de $ 49M |
10 de marzo de 1998 | Inauguración oficial de la nueva terminal de carga, BOC Cargo Services |
Mayo de 1998 | El aeropuerto de Melbourne lanza una nueva identidad, incorporando una 'M' y una 'A', inspiradas en las agujas de la ciudad y el río Yarra |
29 de mayo de 1998 | APAC adquiere el contrato de arrendamiento del aeropuerto de Launceston por $ 18.8M durante 50 años |
Diciembre de 1998 | Remodelación del patio de comidas completado, incluyendo dos nuevos puntos de venta, Noodle Bar y Sbarro |
Enero de 1999 | Comienza el trabajo en el Hotel Hilton (ahora PARKROYAL) a un costo de $ 55 millones |
1 November 2000 | Inaugural Thai Airways service from Melbourne to Phuket |
4 December 2000 | The Domestic Express Terminal opens at a cost of $9M |
7 December 2000 | Inaugural China Southern Airlines service from Melbourne to Guangzhou |
23 March 2001 | The Hilton Hotel at Melbourne Airport opens |
26 March 2001 | British Airways recommences services from Melbourne to London via Singapore |
17 May 2001 | Inaugural scheduled service into Melbourne by Virgin Blue |
11 September 2001 | Air services from Australia are disrupted following the USA terrorism attacks |
12 September 2001 | Ansett Australia Group placed into administration |
30 October 2001 | Inaugural Philippine Airlines service from Melbourne to Manila |
November 2001 | Impulse Airlines absorbed into the QantasLink group of subsidiary companies |
30 November 2001 | Inaugural Air Canada service from Toronto to Melbourne via Honolulu |
4 March 2002 | Last flight into Melbourne Airport by Ansett |
26 August 2002 | South Terminal officially opens welcoming Virgin Blue and Regional Express as the first airlines to operate from the facility, formerly known as the Ansett Terminal |
2 August 2003 | Emirates commences services from Melbourne to Auckland |
16 December 2003 | Inaugural China Eastern service from Melbourne to Shanghai via Sydney |
4 March 2004 | Inaugural Pacific Blue service from Melbourne to Christchurch |
25 May 2004 | Inaugural scheduled service from Melbourne Airport by Jetstar Airways |
May 2005 | North-south runway widened by 15m to facilitate Airbus A380 operations |
1 July 2005 | Opening of car park with additional 2,500 car spaces at a cost of $40M |
1 July 2005 | Melbourne Airport terminals renamed to T1, T2 and T3 |
10 November 2005 | Australia’s first dual A380 aerobridge becomes operational |
14 November 2005 | Airbus A380 lands at Melbourne Airport on its first long haul test flight outside Europe for Qantas |
10 March 2006 | T2 expansion completed to accommodate the A380 |
November 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Bangkok |
December 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Bali |
29 December 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Honolulu |
22 October 2007 | Inaugural Korean Air service from Melbourne to Seoul |
23 November 2007 | Tiger Airways commences operations, headquartered at Melbourne Airport |
21 November 2007 | Inaugural Skywest service from Melbourne to Kalgoorlie, renamed as Virgin Australia Regional Airlines |
15 May 2008 | First A380 Singapore Airlines passenger flight lands at Melbourne Airport |
5 June 2008 | Melbourne Airport announces plans to install a Category III Instrument Landing System |
21 October 2008 | Inaugural Qantas A380 service from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
12 November 2008 | Inaugural AirAsia X service from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur. Ceases operations in 2018 |
March 2009 | Inaugural Etihad Airways service from Melbourne to Abu Dhabi |
November 2009 | Inaugural Qatar Airways service from Melbourne to Doha |
1 November 2000 | Inaugural Thai Airways service from Melbourne to Phuket |
4 December 2000 | The Domestic Express Terminal opens at a cost of $9M |
7 December 2000 | Inaugural China Southern Airlines service from Melbourne to Guangzhou |
23 March 2001 | The Hilton Hotel at Melbourne Airport opens |
26 March 2001 | British Airways recommences services from Melbourne to London via Singapore |
17 May 2001 | Inaugural scheduled service into Melbourne by Virgin Blue |
11 September 2001 | Air services from Australia are disrupted following the USA terrorism attacks |
12 September 2001 | Ansett Australia Group placed into administration |
30 October 2001 | Inaugural Philippine Airlines service from Melbourne to Manila |
November 2001 | Impulse Airlines absorbed into the QantasLink group of subsidiary companies |
30 November 2001 | Inaugural Air Canada service from Toronto to Melbourne via Honolulu |
4 March 2002 | Last flight into Melbourne Airport by Ansett |
26 August 2002 | South Terminal officially opens welcoming Virgin Blue and Regional Express as the first airlines to operate from the facility, formerly known as the Ansett Terminal |
2 August 2003 | Emirates commences services from Melbourne to Auckland |
16 December 2003 | Inaugural China Eastern service from Melbourne to Shanghai via Sydney |
4 March 2004 | Inaugural Pacific Blue service from Melbourne to Christchurch |
25 May 2004 | Inaugural scheduled service from Melbourne Airport by Jetstar Airways |
May 2005 | North-south runway widened by 15m to facilitate Airbus A380 operations |
1 July 2005 | Opening of car park with additional 2,500 car spaces at a cost of $40M |
1 July 2005 | Melbourne Airport terminals renamed to T1, T2 and T3 |
10 November 2005 | Australia’s first dual A380 aerobridge becomes operational |
14 November 2005 | Airbus A380 lands at Melbourne Airport on its first long haul test flight outside Europe for Qantas |
10 March 2006 | T2 expansion completed to accommodate the A380 |
November 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Bangkok |
December 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Bali |
29 December 2006 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Honolulu |
22 October 2007 | Inaugural Korean Air service from Melbourne to Seoul |
23 November 2007 | Tiger Airways commences operations, headquartered at Melbourne Airport |
21 November 2007 | Inaugural Skywest service from Melbourne to Kalgoorlie, renamed as Virgin Australia Regional Airlines |
15 May 2008 | First A380 Singapore Airlines passenger flight lands at Melbourne Airport |
5 June 2008 | Melbourne Airport announces plans to install a Category III Instrument Landing System |
21 October 2008 | Inaugural Qantas A380 service from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
12 November 2008 | Inaugural AirAsia X service from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur. Ceases operations in 2018 |
March 2009 | Inaugural Etihad Airways service from Melbourne to Abu Dhabi |
November 2009 | Inaugural Qatar Airways service from Melbourne to Doha |
Late 2011 | T2 expansion completed at a cost of $330M |
December 2011 | The first ‘Victoria’s Secret’ store in Victoria opens at Melbourne Airport |
December 2011 | Celebrity chefs Frank Camorra and Shannon Bennett open dining venues in T2 departures |
2012 | Runway overlay project completed at a cost of $55M |
17 April 2012 | A ‘Sister Airport’ agreement is signed between Melbourne Airport and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport |
31 January 2013 | 100 millionth international passenger departs from Melbourne Airport |
27 February 2013 | Inaugural Sichuan Airlines service from Melbourne to Chengdu |
30 August 2013 | Inaugural Air India flight from Melbourne to Delhi. It was also the first B787 Dreamliner flight into Melbourne Airport |
28 October 2013 | Essendon Football Club commences training on new grounds within the Melbourne Airport Business Park |
December 2013 | ‘Ring & Ride’ wait zone opens, allowing friends and family to wait for arriving passengers for free for 20 minutes |
14 December 2013 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Phuket |
14 March 2014 | Melbourne Airport’s new air traffic control tower officially opens at a cost of $19M |
30 March 2014 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Osaka |
April 2014 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Tokyo |
3 April 2014 | Inaugural Royal Brunei B787 service from Melbourne to London via Brunei and Dubai |
28 October 2014 | Inaugural international United Airlines B787-9 Dreamliner service, from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
November 2014 | Inaugural AirCalin service from Melbourne to Noumea |
26 December 2014 | Inaugural Indonesia AirAsia X service from Melbourne to Bali |
March 2015 | Inaugural Tigerair service from Melbourne to Bali |
1 June 2015 | Inaugural Air China service from Melbourne to Beijing |
21 September 2015 | Lyell Strambi commences his appointment as Managing Director and CEO of APAC |
25 October 2015 | Inaugural China Airlines service from Melbourne to Taipei |
November 2015 | First triple aerobridges with glass sidewalls to service the A380 at Bays D9 and D11 completed |
1 November 2015 | Inaugural Scoot Airlines service from Melbourne to Singapore |
December 2015 | Emirates open their new T2 lounge |
9 December 2015 | T4 officially opened by Scott Morrison Federal Treasurer (2015 - 2018), at a cost of $225M |
April 2016 | Papa, Uniform and Golf (PUGs) Taxiway Slab Replacement Program completed |
9 May 2016 | Etihad Airways new lounge opens at Melbourne Airport |
26 June 2016 | Emirates celebrates 20 years of flying to Melbourne |
1 July 2016 | Inaugural Xiamen Air service from Melbourne to Xiamen |
10 August 2016 | Landing of first A350 at Melbourne Airport by Singapore Airlines |
30 September 2016 | Inaugural Beijing Capital Airlines service from Melbourne to Shenyang |
9 November 2016 | Inaugural Hainan Airlines service from Melbourne to Xi’an and Melbourne to Changsha |
5 December 2016 | Inaugural Vietnam Airlines B787 service from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City |
16 December 2016 | Qantas daily service from Melbourne to Narita commences |
4 April 2017 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
9 May 2017 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City |
2 June 2017 | Inaugural China Southern Airlines service from Melbourne to Shenzhen |
5 July 2017 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Hong Kong |
4 September 2017 | Inaugural Japan Airlines service from Melbourne to Tokyo |
12 September 2017 | First ‘pay as you go’ Marhaba Lounge opens |
13 September 2017 | Australia’s largest catering facility, Alpha Flight Services within the Melbourne Airport Business Park opens |
1 October 2017 | Inaugural Thai Airways service from Melbourne to Bangkok |
5 October 2017 | Inaugural LATAM Airlines service from Melbourne to Santiago |
29 October 2017 | Inaugural SriLankan Airlines service from Melbourne to Colombo |
1 November 2017 | Inaugural Tianjin Airlines service from Melbourne to Chonggong. Melbourne was the only Australian airport to be serviced by Tianjin |
17 November 2017 | Melbourne Duty Free by Dufry ‘next generation’ concept store opens in T2 departures |
20 November 2017 | T2 upgrade featuring customised hybrid desks for international airlines opens |
December 2017 | The eighth baggage reclaim, the largest carousel at Melbourne Airport, becomes operational |
December 2017 | Local craft brewery ‘Stomping Ground’ pops up a new beer garden called T3 ½ |
6 December 2017 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Zhengzhou |
12 December 2017 | T2 luxury retail and dining precinct opens |
17 December 2017 | Inaugural Xiamen Airlines service from Melbourne to Hangzhou |
March 2018 | T4 named the best low - cost terminal in the Australia/Pacific region by Skytrax |
24 March 2018 | Qantas launches services from Melbourne to London Heathrow via Perth |
25 March 2018 | Inaugural China Airlines service from Melbourne to Taipei |
14 May 2018 | Melbourne Airport updates its brand identity |
3 June 2018 | Air Canada launches year-round service from Melbourne to Vancouver |
8 June 2018 | Inaugural Malindo Air service from Melbourne to Denpasar |
28 June 2018 | Qantas launches B737-800 service from Melbourne to Denpasar |
30 June 2018 | Aeronautical Services Agreement (ASA) with 37 airlines, representing 94% of the international carriers operating out of Melbourne fully executed |
14 August 2018 | Inaugural Cebu Pacific service from Melbourne to Manila |
1 September 2018 | Qantas recommences services from Melbourne to San Francisco |
13 October 2018 | Melbourne Jet Base located within the Melbourne Airport Business Park opens |
28 October 2018 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Queenstown |
19 November 2018 | Installation of Australia’s largest outdoor digital advertising screens on the T4 car park |
28 March 2019 | Australia’s first smart-security screening point in T2 unveiled |
9 May 2019 | New agreement with Qantas reached for the operation of T1 |
4 June 2019 | $100K annual community grants program announced |
18 June 2019 | Air Vanuatu recommences services from Melbourne to Port Vila |
24 June 2019 | Taxiway Zulu Project commenced to deliver new capacity, new routes, new terminal facilities and new levels of operational performance at a cost of over $300M |
2 September 2019 | First sod turned on construction of a new Accor Hotel in the airport’s Hive precinct |
October 2019 | T2 arrivals hall expansion construction commenced |
31 October 2019 | Inaugural United Airlines service from Melbourne to San Francisco |
December 2019 | T2 and T3 hospitality overhaul completed |
11 December 2019 | Multi-million dollar moving walkways inside T4 commence operation |
Late 2011 | T2 expansion completed at a cost of $330M |
December 2011 | The first ‘Victoria’s Secret’ store in Victoria opens at Melbourne Airport |
December 2011 | Celebrity chefs Frank Camorra and Shannon Bennett open dining venues in T2 departures |
2012 | Runway overlay project completed at a cost of $55M |
17 April 2012 | A ‘Sister Airport’ agreement is signed between Melbourne Airport and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport |
31 January 2013 | 100 millionth international passenger departs from Melbourne Airport |
27 February 2013 | Inaugural Sichuan Airlines service from Melbourne to Chengdu |
30 August 2013 | Inaugural Air India flight from Melbourne to Delhi. It was also the first B787 Dreamliner flight into Melbourne Airport |
28 October 2013 | Essendon Football Club commences training on new grounds within the Melbourne Airport Business Park |
December 2013 | ‘Ring & Ride’ wait zone opens, allowing friends and family to wait for arriving passengers for free for 20 minutes |
14 December 2013 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Phuket |
14 March 2014 | Melbourne Airport’s new air traffic control tower officially opens at a cost of $19M |
30 March 2014 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Osaka |
April 2014 | Jetstar commences services from Melbourne to Tokyo |
3 April 2014 | Inaugural Royal Brunei B787 service from Melbourne to London via Brunei and Dubai |
28 October 2014 | Inaugural international United Airlines B787-9 Dreamliner service, from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
November 2014 | Inaugural AirCalin service from Melbourne to Noumea |
26 December 2014 | Inaugural Indonesia AirAsia X service from Melbourne to Bali |
March 2015 | Inaugural Tigerair service from Melbourne to Bali |
1 June 2015 | Inaugural Air China service from Melbourne to Beijing |
21 September 2015 | Lyell Strambi commences his appointment as Managing Director and CEO of APAC |
25 October 2015 | Inaugural China Airlines service from Melbourne to Taipei |
November 2015 | First triple aerobridges with glass sidewalls to service the A380 at Bays D9 and D11 completed |
1 November 2015 | Inaugural Scoot Airlines service from Melbourne to Singapore |
December 2015 | Emirates open their new T2 lounge |
9 December 2015 | T4 officially opened by Scott Morrison Federal Treasurer (2015 - 2018), at a cost of $225M |
April 2016 | Papa, Uniform and Golf (PUGs) Taxiway Slab Replacement Program completed |
9 May 2016 | Etihad Airways new lounge opens at Melbourne Airport |
26 June 2016 | Emirates celebrates 20 years of flying to Melbourne |
1 July 2016 | Inaugural Xiamen Air service from Melbourne to Xiamen |
10 August 2016 | Landing of first A350 at Melbourne Airport by Singapore Airlines |
30 September 2016 | Inaugural Beijing Capital Airlines service from Melbourne to Shenyang |
9 November 2016 | Inaugural Hainan Airlines service from Melbourne to Xi’an and Melbourne to Changsha |
5 December 2016 | Inaugural Vietnam Airlines B787 service from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City |
16 December 2016 | Qantas daily service from Melbourne to Narita commences |
4 April 2017 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Los Angeles |
9 May 2017 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City |
2 June 2017 | Inaugural China Southern Airlines service from Melbourne to Shenzhen |
5 July 2017 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Hong Kong |
4 September 2017 | Inaugural Japan Airlines service from Melbourne to Tokyo |
12 September 2017 | First ‘pay as you go’ Marhaba Lounge opens |
13 September 2017 | Australia’s largest catering facility, Alpha Flight Services within the Melbourne Airport Business Park opens |
1 October 2017 | Inaugural Thai Airways service from Melbourne to Bangkok |
5 October 2017 | Inaugural LATAM Airlines service from Melbourne to Santiago |
29 October 2017 | Inaugural SriLankan Airlines service from Melbourne to Colombo |
1 November 2017 | Inaugural Tianjin Airlines service from Melbourne to Chonggong. Melbourne was the only Australian airport to be serviced by Tianjin |
17 November 2017 | Melbourne Duty Free by Dufry ‘next generation’ concept store opens in T2 departures |
20 November 2017 | T2 upgrade featuring customised hybrid desks for international airlines opens |
December 2017 | The eighth baggage reclaim, the largest carousel at Melbourne Airport, becomes operational |
December 2017 | Local craft brewery ‘Stomping Ground’ pops up a new beer garden called T3 ½ |
6 December 2017 | Inaugural Jetstar service from Melbourne to Zhengzhou |
12 December 2017 | T2 luxury retail and dining precinct opens |
17 December 2017 | Inaugural Xiamen Airlines service from Melbourne to Hangzhou |
March 2018 | T4 named the best low - cost terminal in the Australia/Pacific region by Skytrax |
24 March 2018 | Qantas launches services from Melbourne to London Heathrow via Perth |
25 March 2018 | Inaugural China Airlines service from Melbourne to Taipei |
14 May 2018 | Melbourne Airport updates its brand identity |
3 June 2018 | Air Canada launches year-round service from Melbourne to Vancouver |
8 June 2018 | Inaugural Malindo Air service from Melbourne to Denpasar |
28 June 2018 | Qantas launches B737-800 service from Melbourne to Denpasar |
30 June 2018 | Aeronautical Services Agreement (ASA) with 37 airlines, representing 94% of the international carriers operating out of Melbourne fully executed |
14 August 2018 | Inaugural Cebu Pacific service from Melbourne to Manila |
1 September 2018 | Qantas recommences services from Melbourne to San Francisco |
13 October 2018 | Melbourne Jet Base located within the Melbourne Airport Business Park opens |
28 October 2018 | Inaugural Virgin Australia service from Melbourne to Queenstown |
19 November 2018 | Installation of Australia’s largest outdoor digital advertising screens on the T4 car park |
28 March 2019 | Australia’s first smart-security screening point in T2 unveiled |
9 May 2019 | New agreement with Qantas reached for the operation of T1 |
4 June 2019 | $100K annual community grants program announced |
18 June 2019 | Air Vanuatu recommences services from Melbourne to Port Vila |
24 June 2019 | Taxiway Zulu Project commenced to deliver new capacity, new routes, new terminal facilities and new levels of operational performance at a cost of over $300M |
2 September 2019 | First sod turned on construction of a new Accor Hotel in the airport’s Hive precinct |
October 2019 | T2 arrivals hall expansion construction commenced |
31 October 2019 | Inaugural United Airlines service from Melbourne to San Francisco |
December 2019 | T2 and T3 hospitality overhaul completed |
11 December 2019 | Multi-million dollar moving walkways inside T4 commence operation |
6 January 2020 | Australia’s first surf park URBNSURF opens within the Melbourne Airport Business Park |
7 February 2020 | Australia’s first airport brewery opens in T3, run by Stomping Ground Brewing Co. |
24 February 2020 | T4 Express Link project commences at a cost of $60M for stage one |
12 March 2020 | Grounding of aircraft due to closed international borders and limited interstate air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic |
21 April 2020 | Virgin Australia placed into voluntary administration |
12 May 2020 | Melbourne Airport named Best Airport in Australia/Pacific in the Skytrax 2020 World Airline Awards |
1 July 2020 | Melbourne Airport celebrates its 50th year of operation |
6 January 2020 | Australia’s first surf park URBNSURF opens within the Melbourne Airport Business Park |
7 February 2020 | Australia’s first airport brewery opens in T3, run by Stomping Ground Brewing Co. |
24 February 2020 | T4 Express Link project commences at a cost of $60M for stage one |
12 March 2020 | Grounding of aircraft due to closed international borders and limited interstate air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic |
21 April 2020 | Virgin Australia placed into voluntary administration |
12 May 2020 | Melbourne Airport named Best Airport in Australia/Pacific in the Skytrax 2020 World Airline Awards |
1 July 2020 | Melbourne Airport celebrates its 50th year of operation |
Junior Travellers, prepare for take-off
Designed especially for our future aviators, Junior Traveller is where you'll experience Melbourne Airport virtually.