The car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy

This long weekend the car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy. If you already have a car park booking, please arrive early to allow extra time to find a spot and have your QR code ready to use at the gate. If you don't have a booking, please consider alternative forms of transport. Thank you for your patience.




该机场目前每天接待约 100,000 名乘客,是墨尔本中央商务区以外最大的就业中心。在不到 20 年的时间里,每天将有超过 210,000 名乘客使用该机场,扩建后的机场预计每年将为该州经济增加 59 亿美元,并支持 51,000 个工作岗位。

墨尔本机场将斥资约 30 亿澳元建造一条额外的南北跑道,到 2042 年将容纳超过 7600 万名乘客。第三条跑道的建设将需要四年多的时间,施工期间将雇用 500 多名员工。