The car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy

This long weekend the car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy. If you already have a car park booking, please arrive early to allow extra time to find a spot and have your QR code ready to use at the gate. If you don't have a booking, please consider alternative forms of transport. Thank you for your patience.

Water Connection and Meter Requests


Melbourne Airport own, operate and maintain its own embedded water network within its precinct boundaries.

Prior to tapping into the Melbourne Airport’s water reticulation network, the applicant must complete a submit a water connection application which includes details about intended connection and subject site.

An APAM approved Meter must be installed by the plumber/contractor for both permanent and temporary connections. 

All connections and modifications to the network must satisfy MRWA, WSAA and Melbourne Airport standards and regulations and be accordance with the precinct masterplan.

How to apply for a permit

  1. Complete the Water Connection and Meter application and ensure:

    a. A sketch/drawing indicating location of proposed connection into APAM water asset is provided
  2. Email completed form to APAM Civil AND embedded network team via [email protected] & [email protected]
  3. Application on approval will be returned to applicant

Download the application form by clicking here.