Plan ahead: Allow extra travel time to Melbourne Airport

PSA: If you’re heading to the airport over January to early March 2025, we encourage you to allow an extra 30 minutes for your journey due to potential delays caused by construction works in the Terminal 123 forecourt. If you're picking up or dropping off loved ones, consider using Exit 19A and the Terminal 4 Car Park to avoid congestion in the Terminal 123 forecourt. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Planning approvals


Our planning and design approval process is managed by the Airport’s planning team, whose primary responsibilities involve ensuring the appropriate use and development of land both within and around the airport.

The planning process is underpinned by five key objectives:

  1. Provide for the orderly and logical development of high quality public spaces.
  2. Ensure a high level of amenity for visitors, workers and other users of the airport.
  3. Support Federal and State government planning objectives.
  4. Implement the goals and objectives of the Airport Master Plan.
  5. Support the vision to be an airport Melbourne can be proud of.

Does my proposal need a Planning Permit?

Developments that are undertaken landside generally require a Planning Permit.

View our list of Planning Permit triggers and exemptions.

There are two types of application pathways: (1) the Melbourne Airport Planning & Design Approval (PDA) process and (2) the Major Development Plan (MDP) process. Follow the flow chart here to determine which approval process is required.

Refer to Section 89 of the Airports Act 1996 (Cth) for full MDP triggers.

Requirements for Planning Permits

Planning applications must be consistent with the requirements of the Melbourne Airport Master Plan, Melbourne Airport Planning and Urban Design Strategy and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts  and Regional Development’s National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NASF).

Signage and wayfinding proposals must be consistent with the the Melbourne Airport Planning and Urban Design Strategy and/or the Melbourne Airport Signage and Wayfinding Manual Guidelines.

The Melbourne Airport Design Vision and Terminal Design Standard Style Guide applies to buildings and works within a terminal and may require a planning permit.

Certain Melbourne Airport guidelines and Standards are available via this webpage. Please contact your project manager to request these documents, or email [email protected] for any further queries regarding Standards.

Any queries regarding the Planning Permit process can be directed via email to [email protected].

Planning and building approval application process