Car parks at Melbourne Airport are very busy

Our car parks are very busy. If you do not have a car park booking, consider alternative modes of transport. Due to ongoing construction on Naarm Way Stage 2, please allow 30 minutes extra travel time for potential traffic delays. If you do have a booking, please allow plenty of time to find a spot and have your QR code ready for a smooth entry and exit.

DAWR Requirements

Under Biosecurity Regulation 56(4)(a)&(b), all staff who are involved with facilitating international arrivals must be aware of the biosecurity risks posed by their operations and know how to report them.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) have developed a biosecurity awareness package to help first points of entry (FPOE) operators meet these obligations. The package provides information about common and emerging biosecurity risks that you may see in a port environment. It also describes how you can work with DAWR to minimise the risk of exotic pests and diseases entering Australia.

All staff working with international arrivals at first points of entry must complete the awareness package to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements.

To view the package, please click here.