Car parks at Melbourne Airport are very busy

Our car parks are very busy. If you do not have a car park booking, consider alternative modes of transport. Due to ongoing construction on Naarm Way Stage 2, please allow 30 minutes extra travel time for potential traffic delays. If you do have a booking, please allow plenty of time to find a spot and have your QR code ready for a smooth entry and exit.

Contact us

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

For training related enquiries at Melbourne Airport, please see below.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Following further revisions in the Victorian Government COVID-19 roadmap, and the resumption of domestic aircraft operations following the lifting of many state border restrictions, the Melbourne Airport team can now provide further updates on the resumption of our Airfield training program.
Good News! Regular classroom training courses are once again available for bookings via AIRDAT. With COVIDsafe restrictions however, we can only train small groups at a time for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your patience whilst you wait for a suitable course date to become available. If the training is operationally critical prior to a suitable date becoming available, please contact your company manager to provide a request with reasoning to: [email protected]
What will our revised “COVID safe” ADA training program now look like?
In order to meet our obligations to the prescribed state government standards, our training programs now include the following:

  • Reduced class numbers (max 16) adhering to strict distancing, sanitisation, sign-in procedures and PPE requirements in the original half day format
  • Familiarisations will now be completed post a successful assessment and will be carried out in the same session. The airside drives will be facilitated by Carbridge and the donning of PPE will be required (mask & gloves)

We also request that candidates do not attend class if they feel unwell or have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case or those known to be undergoing a test.

Note: these requirements not being adhered to may result in the termination of a candidate’s training.

Changes to Classroom Access Requirements

  • Entrance and exit to the classroom is only permitted through the side door to Building 219, located on Francis-Briggs Road, where access will be provided by a trainer
  • Candidates are not to utilise the waiting area outside the classroom in the Building 219 foyer
  • Where possible, the use of the lavatory facilities in Building 219 are to be minimised to avoid contact with APAM personnel. Lavatory facilities are available in T4.
  • A 15 min break will be provided outside of the classroom after being indoors for a maximum duration of 2 hours 

Class Schedule and Details

  • Several ADA Level 2 – Initial sessions may be scheduled each week, including an afternoon session on Wednesday, in complement to the existing Tuesday morning session.
  • Endorsement for the Perimeter (P), Maintenance (M) and Escort (E) will be undertaken in a separately enrolled session, these follow the Tuesday morning ADA Level 2 – Initial session on alternate weeks. Candidates requiring an endorsement, will be required to make an enrolment for the session following their initial classroom (if applicable) on the same day.
  • Study material prior to the attendance of the nominated session is available on the Melbourne Airport website and this includes a new ADA Level 2 Handbook.

To help address common queries and information concerning the new schedule and process, please refer to the FAQs below.
We look forward to seeing you back at Melbourne Airport soon, and thank you for your understanding as we work towards a new COVID normal.

For AIRDAT (Passport & Onboard) frequently asked questions, click here.

Airside Driver Access and Aerobridge Licence enquiries

  • Aerobridge company trainer expressions of interest
  • Aerobridge practical documents
  • AROC certificates
  • Ishihara certificates (eye test)
  • Company support letters
  • Payment and cancellation enquiries
  • ADA course enquiries

Email: [email protected]

Vehicle Permits and Inspections - Authority to Use Airside (AUA)

Email us at [email protected]

AIRDAT Support

  • Uploading existing licences
  • Extensions to access online learning
  • Updating ASIC details (AIRDAT)
  • Company administrator applications
  • Employee company transfers
  • ALAO enquiries
  • Other AIRDAT administration related enquiries

Email: [email protected]

ADA & Aerobridge licence collection

ASIC Collection Office and Security Services - Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 2:30pm
Building 219, 5–9 Francis Briggs Rd, Melbourne Airport VIC 3045

For enquires regarding ASIC or access cards, please contact [email protected]