Plan ahead: Allow extra travel time to Melbourne Airport

PSA: If you’re heading to the airport over January to early March 2025, we encourage you to allow an extra 30 minutes for your journey due to potential delays caused by construction works in the Terminal 123 forecourt. If you're picking up or dropping off loved ones, consider using Exit 19A and the Terminal 4 Car Park to avoid congestion in the Terminal 123 forecourt. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Terminal 1 has been home to Qantas and its predecessors Australian Airlines and Trans Australia Airlines since 1971. 

To ensure the terminal continues to reflect the best of Victoria, Melbourne Airport has undertaken a significant upgrade of its retail outlets and facilities.

This included the installation of new escalators, a refresh of the main concourse and the opening of exciting new food and beverage options.

Stage 1 of this project was completed in December 2023. We are now in process of building Stage 2 of the project which includes upgrades to the walkway as you head towards Gates 1-12.

Impact on travellers in 2024

The airport may look at little bit different as we upgrade Terminal 1 (T1). Please look for directions on the temporary walls on the walkway as you head towards Gates 1-12.