Plan ahead: Allow extra travel time to Melbourne Airport

PSA: If you’re heading to the airport over January to early March 2025, we encourage you to allow an extra 30 minutes for your journey due to potential delays caused by construction works in the Terminal 123 forecourt. If you're picking up or dropping off loved ones, consider using Exit 19A and the Terminal 4 Car Park to avoid congestion in the Terminal 123 forecourt. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Melbourne Airport is committed to supporting its local communities

Our Community Giving Fund provides the chance for communities to apply for funding for projects that support community needs. The Fund is designed to help communities, arts, sports or service groups with any number of initiatives and projects. These may include uniforms for sporting clubs, supplies for art exhibitions or community events, upgrades to a social enterprise or contributions to community kitchens, libraries or gardens. All projects that support groups with their local communities will be considered.

Applications to the Fund are open to communities surrounding Melbourne Airport, with up to $4,000 available for projects and initiatives. Details on how to apply can be found below.

Please note that the Community Giving Fund will not be accepting applications over the holiday period, from November through January. We look forward to resuming applications in the new year.

General eligibility criteria

To apply, the organisation you are applying on behalf of must meet the following criteria:

  1. Sits within one of the local government areas highlighted in the map (below left)
  2. Does not owe any reports or money to Melbourne Airport from previous funding or grants (please note details of any outstanding reports or monies)
  3. Has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this funding application
  4. If applicable, please note if the organisation you are applying on behalf of has deductible gift recipient (DGR) or Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status or is auspices by an organisation with DGR & TCC status

Community Giving - Local Government Areas Map

Apply Now

Community Giving Fund Application Form