Plan ahead: Allow extra travel time to Melbourne Airport

PSA: If you’re heading to the airport over January to early March 2025, we encourage you to allow an extra 30 minutes for your journey due to potential delays caused by construction works in the Terminal 123 forecourt. If you're picking up or dropping off loved ones, consider using Exit 19A and the Terminal 4 Car Park to avoid congestion in the Terminal 123 forecourt. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Melbourne Airport has supported The Long Walk since 2024. We support The Long Walk's Ganbu Gulin program which is an eight week program for Indigenous students.

The Long Walk is a charity inspired by Michael Long's walk to Canberra, to get the lives of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people back on the national agenda. The Ganbu Gulin program seeks to strengthen identity, find voice, build a support network and allow students to connect with each other and their community. 

For more information, visit The Long Walk's website