The car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy

This long weekend the car parks at Melbourne Airport are busy. If you already have a car park booking, please arrive early to allow extra time to find a spot and have your QR code ready to use at the gate. If you don't have a booking, please consider alternative forms of transport. Thank you for your patience.


The Melbourne Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG) works collaboratively on airport planning, development and operations, and their impacts and opportunities. CACG meetings provide a forum for open discussion between members, representatives from key participating agencies and Melbourne Airport. 

In particular, CACG facilitates an opportunity for:

  • Melbourne Airport to disseminate information regarding the planning, development and operations of the airport
  • community members and representatives from agencies to raise issues and questions, and express opinions regarding Melbourne Airport
  • stimulating the interest of local communities in the planning, development and operations of the airport
  • reviewing and discussing any community-related issues, and engaging the appropriate organisations regarding these as needed
  • identifying and analysing current and emerging opinions, discussions and any feedback within the community relating to Melbourne Airport
  • reporting and providing recommendations to Melbourne Airport regarding community concerns, discussion and perceptions relating to Melbourne Airport.

The CACG has no authority to direct others. Its function does not replace statutory or established communication and consultation mechanisms employed by the various parties it works with.

Meet our CACG Members


Kim Jordan
Kim has been the CACG chair since 2019. She works as a consultant in community engagement, social research and organisational change, and is a member of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). Prior to that, Kim was an air traffic controller and first Vice President Communication of the controllers’ union. She believes people want the best for their community, and with that as a starting point, potential change or conflict becomes an opportunity, not a challenge. Email: [email protected]
Organisation Members

If you would like to contact a CACG community member who you think can represent your interests, you can now email them directly. Each member’s details will help you decide who is the best contact, and their email addresses are shown there. The email addresses are independent of the airport.

You can still contact Melbourne Airport directly, at [email protected]

It is important that you feel you are being heard when you take the time to write. But please remember, CACG members are volunteers and they aren’t monitoring their CACG email account at all times. Everyone will aim to answer emails within five working days.

Depending on the nature of your email, members may need to find information from other sources, or find someone who can better respond to you. If that is the case, members will keep you informed.

If your issue is urgent, please contact Melbourne Airport at the above email address.

How you can help us

CACG can best represent your interests if you:

  • write in a way that shows courtesy and respect
  • provide accurate information
  • have a realistic expectation of CACG’s role
  • work with us to improve community input into Melbourne Airport
Emma Langoulant
Emma is a local resident and active community member. She is a communications specialist with close to 20 years’ experience in the private and public sectors, particularly working across policy advocacy and stakeholder engagement. Emma is passionate about representing the voices of families in the local community as the mum of two young children. She is also currently the Chair of a local School Advisory Committee. Emma wants to see Melbourne Airport active in the community, exploring opportunities to engage and work collaboratively to respond to the needs of local residents.
Frederick Ackerman JP
Fred lives in Taylors Lakes and has served on the CACG since 2017. His career in education has included being a teacher, school principal, president of the Victorian Principals Association and Education Department senior manager. Fred has extensive experience on committees and as a company director. Living close to Melbourne Airport, Fred has a keen interest in airport planning, environment, noise, traffic, passenger experience and employment. Fred believes Melbourne Airport must always strive to be a good neighbour and the work of CACG is criticality important to this goal. Fred volunteers locally and is an executive member of the Keilor Historical Society Inc., where he has responsibility for community events. Email: [email protected]
Maggie Baron
Maggie is a highly experienced consultant working in the areas of infrastructure planning, sustainability and environmental management, risk and governance. She enjoys collaborative workspaces with teams looking to build value for community success. You won’t find her ego taking up space—her deep understanding of how government works, along with her measured approach to complex problem-solving, underpin her valued reputation. Email: [email protected]
David Cleland
David is a Mechanical Engineer who has spent most of his working life as Chief Executive of large enterprises including road safety, water products, electronics, building and automotive glass and electric motors. More recently David has had Non-Executive Director roles including ASX listed companies. David has a strong interest in the aviation industry, is a glider pilot and is President of the Beaufort Gliding Club and a member of the Greenvale Facebook Community Group. David is also an Independent Person with the Victorian Government’s YRIPP (Youth Referral & Independent Person program) which helps young people when they get arrested.
Margaret Giudice
Margaret is a former Brimbank councillor and still lives in the area. She also has extremely strong connections with the Italian community across wider Melbourne and is currently on the Italo-Australian Social Club Board. She is also President of Club Italia in St Albans. Email: [email protected]
Victor Ng
Victor hopes to give a regional voice at CACG, having worked in regional and growth area municipalities. With a career in urban planning for the last 15 years and being a regular airport user, Victor has a keen interest in intercultural communication, infrastructure planning, economics, and amenity matters. Victor holds a Bachelor of Arts (Computer Science / Environmental Studies), Master of Social Science (Environment & Planning), and Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting. Email: [email protected]
Jane Waldock
Jane Waldock lives in Montmorency and is a civil engineer with experience in local government, consulting, and construction. She is currently the Executive Office for the Metropolitan Transport Forum. Previously her roles have included being Assistant Director Planning and Placemaking, and Manager Sustainability and Strategic Transport at the City of Yarra. Jane wants to see high quality, respectful community engagement, and multiple practical options for transport to the airport. Email: [email protected]
Fonda Zahopoulos
Fonda consults as a project manager, delivering commercial and social infrastructure projects across Victoria. He volunteers on the board of Overnewton Anglican Community College, including as chair on their Capital Projects Committee. Over his career, Fonda has worked with the airport on projects across the airport precinct during the design, master planning and construction phases. Fonda also has strong connections with both the Greek and Egyptian Orthodox Communities and has helped deliver various projects. His connections through these networks provide a base to encourage involvement in airport planning. Email: [email protected]

Local Government Area Members

Petrus Barry, Moonee Valley City Council
Petrus is a Manager, Planning and Building (Moonee Valley City Council) with 30+ years Local Government experience in Australia and abroad. He has extensive experience in statutory planning, policy, enforcement, tribunal advisory services and governance. Mr Barry holds a Bachelor’s degree in Town and Regional Planning, Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Honours degree in Demography and is a full member of the Planning Institute of Australia and the Planning & Environmental Law Association. Petrus has been a member of CACG and the previous Noise Abatement Committee since 2016.
Liz Beattie, Victorian Trades Hall Council
A former Member of the Legislative Assembly in the Victorian Parliament, Liz was elected to the seat of Tullamarine, which included Melbourne Airport. In 2000, Liz was appointed Steering Committee Chair to refresh the Melbourne Airport Environs Strategy plan. An outcome of this plan was the Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay. In 2007, legislation was introduced to enshrine the MAEO into the statutes and was supported by all parties. Liz has an active interest in aviation and the future of airports.
Justin Burgess, Brimbank City Council
Justin is an experienced town planner with over 15 years experience in local government. His role at Brimbank City Council is to coordinate the strategic planning team to ensure the Brimbank Planning Scheme is up to date and consistent with the Planning Policy Framework, Community Health and Wellbeing Plan and Council Plan. Justin holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Planning) and Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design. Justin is passionate about the west, particularly Brimbank and its exciting transformation.
Steve Finlay, Melton City Council
James McNulty, Hume City Council
James is Manager of Planning & Development with Hume City Council. He holds over 20 years of experience in the planning field both in Australia and overseas in Ireland and the UK. James holds a Bachelor of Science in Spatial Planning as well as qualifications in Environmental Impact Assessment, Project Management and Management. He has worked in both statutory and strategic planning roles and is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia. James has been a CACG member since 2023.
Ashley Minniti, Maribyrnong City Council
Stephen Pykett, Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Stephen is Manager, Economic Development and Visitor Economy at Macedon Ranges Shire Council and has worked across Local, State and Federal Government in a variety of tourism, economic and telecommunications roles. Prior to moving to Australia Stephen worked in the construction industry as a Technical Manager, overseeing twelve asphalt plants throughout Northern England, a quarry installation in Norway producing for the German road industry, and offshore oil pipeline and telecommunications cable laying.

Participating Agencies

Department of Transport and Planning

Airservices Australia

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

CACG Documents

CACG Terms of Reference

CACG Code of Conduct

CACG Guidelines

CACG Minutes


February 2025

January 2025


November 2024

August 2024

May 2024

February 2024


November 2023

August 2023

May 2023

February 2023


November 2022

August 2022

May 2022

February 2022


December 2021

May 2021

February 2021


November 2020

August 2020


November 2019

August 2019

June 2019

April 2019


November 2018

August 2018

May 2018

February 2018


November 2017

Pre-meeting minutes

November 2017

Open meeting minutes

August 2017

Pre-meeting minutes

August 2017

Open meeting minutes

May 2017

Pre-meeting minutes

May 2017

Open meeting minutes

February 2017

Pre-meeting minutes

February 2017

Open meeting minutes


November 2016

Pre-meeting minutes

November 2016

Open meeting minutes

August 2016

Pre-meeting minutes

August 2016

Open meeting minutes

May 2016

Pre-meeting minutes

May 2016

Open meeting minutes

February 2016

Pre-meeting minutes

February 2016

Open meeting minutes


November 2015

August 2015

May 2015

February 2015


August 2014

May 2014

February 2014


November 2013

August 2013

May 2013

March 2013


November 2012

August 2012

May 2012

February 2012


November 2011

August 2011

May 2011

March 2011

CACG Annual Reports









Noise Abatement Committee Minutes

August 2019

February 2019

November 2018

August 2018

February 2018

November 2017

August 2017

May 2017

February 2017

November 2016

August 2016

May 2016

February 2016